Tuesday 25 February 2014

Artisan Bread with Almonds, Dried Cranberries and Orange Zest

This artisan bread is simply scrumptious - and it is so easy to make. I've already written about the 'plain' version of this bread - you can find it right here - but this is the first time I have tried to add almonds, dried cranberries and orange zest. It gives the bread a rich aroma and it tastes divine. It goes particularly well with cheese. In summer though, I think I would leave out the cranberries and instead opt for a version with only almonds and orange zest - think it would be just wonderful with my homemade strawberry jam :)

Here's the recipe

1/2 teaspoon dry yeast - or 5 g fresh yeast
500 g flour - or 3 cups
2 tsp salt
375 ml water - or 1 1/2 cups
100 ml chopped almonds
200 ml dried cranberries - roughly chopped
Grated zest of 1 orange

If using fresh yeast, dissolve the yeast in the water and add the salt and flour. If using dry yest, mix flour, salt and yeast and add the water. Lastly, add the almonds, dried cranberries and the orange zest.
Stir until well combined and cover the bowl with cling wrap. Let rise for 12 - 18 hours - not in the fridge. When you are ready to bake the bread, turn the dough onto a floured surface and gently fold the sides over the middle of the dough till you have a round 'ball'. Do not knead the bread. Let it rest for 30 min. 
In the mean time, heat the oven to 230 degrees celcius. Take a relative big pot - I use a 10 L IKEA pot - but any pot that can go in the oven is fine - and heat it in the oven. 
When the dough is ready, take out the pot, cover the bottom with a bit of flour and gently drop the dough, upside down, into the pot*. Put the lid back on and bake it in the oven for 30 min. After 30 min. remove the lid and continue baking for another 15 min. - or until the bread is nice and golden brown. 

*(Don't worry that the dough looks like a bit of a mess when you drop it into the pot. It is quite a difficult task to do considering the stickiness of the dough and the hot pot - but don't worry - no matter how bad it look when it goes into the pot, it always comes out looking great) :)

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