Thursday 27 February 2014

Homemade Caramels

It's only recently that I've started making homemade caramels (and other sweets that 'require' a sugar thermometer). It's always seemed a bit daunting to me having to know the different stages of a boiling syrup - and also using a sugar thermometer - which I've never owned, until a few months ago. But then I discovered that you don't actually need to be an expert on boiling sugar and water to make caramels, - and you really don't need a sugar thermometer either. And that makes everything a whole lot easier :) I have tried making these caramels using a sugar thermometer, but I never get the temperature stated in various recipes - unless I let the mixture boil for so long that it burns - so now I use time and color of the caramel as indicators instead - and so far it hasn't failed me.

These caramels are so yummy - it's gotten to a point for me now where I can only make them when I am giving some of them away to other people - cause otherwise I will eat ALL of them by myself...I have no self control when it comes to these little divine things. 

Here's the recipe

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup glucose syrup
1 cup cream
4 tbs butter
1 tsp salt

In a small pot heat the cream, salt and butter. In a bigger pot mix water, syrup and sugar and heat until it comes to a boil. Let boil until the mixture turns a golden brown. Take the pot off the heat and stir in the cream. Be careful, it might bubble quite violently. If there are caramel lumps, keep stirring till they dissolve when you put the pot back on the heat. Once dissolved, stop stirring and let the caramel boil for app. 15 min. on medium heat. The caramel will be a fairly dark golden brown when done - but be careful, there's a fine line between just right and burnt - so be careful that it doesn't get too dark. Once you've made the caramels more than once, it will become a lot easier to tell when they are just right.
When the caramel is done boiling, pour the mixture into a pan lined with baking paper (don't scrape the bottom - it will most likely be slightly burnt). Let cool completely and then cut into pieces. Wrap in small pieces of baking paper and keep in an airtight container.   


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for reminding me of these - I haven't made them in a while, but I think it's time for another batch:)
